
April 12

In just a few days this blog turns 3.
I wrote my first post drinking wine with Brandon laughing over names that we should call the blog, me typing and him saying, "You CAN'T say that!"
Three years later the name stuck and he's still cringing over certain things that I write.
One thing is for sure I am really happy that I kept this up for three years. What a great way for all of us to remember this time in our lives and have all the pictures and stories to take to the therapist one day. It goes without saying that the children will use this blog against me in the teenage years, it won't be until their adult years until after they have had children of their own that they will appreciate it. It's funny how depending on my moods, the blog got more personal than I ever imagined, but I'm glad I wrote it, because if the kids ever do decide to step out of their comfort zone and move to another country they will know it is perfectly normal to cry and then well cry some more. At the end of this journey, and no, I don't know when that will be, I'm hopeful that we will have taught them that it's okay to have Roots and Wings.


Sister Patty said...

Roots and Wings - absolutely is correct way of describing your life!!
3 years...most of the time it feels like a lifetime since you've been gone and yet just a blink of an eye. Looking at photos of how small they were brings tears & smiles. This blog has made your journey much easier handle.
Love ya to the moon & back.

Sister Patty said...

okay - for some reason the first comment and now this one are posting as Patty.....however, they are from me your mother.

Kim McCaslin Schlieker said...

Beautifully said...Your pants please is an all time favorite of mine!! I remember laughing so hard at my desk that my brother came from across the hall to see what was so hilarious!! I think I'll read it again, right now!!

Kim McCaslin Schlieker said...

Yep, still works!! Freaking HILARIOUS!!

Jon Van said...

Great blog. Two enthusiastic thumbs up!

Jon Van said...


Peggy Rice said...

I still can't get over how much they have changed!!! I love looking at the pictures too. I still giggle when I look at the Portugal pictures and my puffy face, I like to call it the summer of excess! Kim, just like you the pants one makes me crack up, but cringe with embarrassment too;) we miss you guys!!!

Unknown said...
