The heater Gods smiled upon me today, if only for a moment. A short moment it was, but at least I know the heat will work when they decide to keep it on. Life is grand, but full of surprises. It is funny what a day can bring.
Say a broken elevator.
I am so grateful for the elevator. Please elevator Gods make it a speedy recovery.
Have I mentioned that we live on the 6th floor?
Grocery bags (why I bought melons, oranges and peaches...all heavy, I will never know), book bags, purse, a near two year old in tow, mixed with a spunky four year old and six flights of marble stairs makes for an interesting day.
Silly me, on the final ascension of the day, I ask Jaylee to hold Aidan's hand.
Her response,
"He's not mine. He didn't come out of me."
Can you tell it was spaghetti and ice cream cone night?
One more thing, I just checked my email and I thought this was great:
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Good morning. Don't be afraid to go out on a limb... That's where all the fruit is!!! Life is an experiment... I heard someone say “ If an experiment becomes very successful, something has gone terribly wrong” lol :-) (Don't be afraid to take risks!!) God is LoveRev Run Read more at Run's Words of Wisdom at
She is a hoot!!
The heat/elevator issues are in my prayers!!
Amen to Rev Run! You're in my prayers. Hang in there. Hugs!
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