Say a broken elevator.
I am so grateful for the elevator. Please elevator Gods make it a speedy recovery.
Have I mentioned that we live on the 6th floor?
Grocery bags (why I bought melons, oranges and peaches...all heavy, I will never know), book bags, purse, a near two year old in tow, mixed with a spunky four year old and six flights of marble stairs makes for an interesting day.
Silly me, on the final ascension of the day, I ask Jaylee to hold Aidan's hand.
Her response,
"He's not mine. He didn't come out of me."
One more thing, I just checked my email and I thought this was great:
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Good morning. Don't be afraid to go out on a limb... That's where all the fruit is!!! Life is an experiment... I heard someone say “ If an experiment becomes very successful, something has gone terribly wrong” lol :-) (Don't be afraid to take risks!!) God is LoveRev Run Read more at Run's Words of Wisdom at
She is a hoot!!
The heat/elevator issues are in my prayers!!
Amen to Rev Run! You're in my prayers. Hang in there. Hugs!
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