
I smell something

When I see country flags on side bar from places I don't normally see, I try to use my spy skills and figure out where they are coming from.
Thank you Keith!
It seems I got an award! Well, it was really Aidan, but I birthed him so I'm taking credit;-)
This week’s Blog of the Week has been won by Aidan at Rue Rice for Christening our own.
I would like to tell my high school English teacher who gave me an F on a paper (she didn't like my choice of words...) to officially take a hike (actually I want to insert a few curse words here, but I won't).
You can see what he wrote HERE.
He also did a review of the blog HERE a while back and I loved it even if he did call me weird, but in all honesty Brandon completely agrees with him.
Laying in bed after reading the review I asked Brandon if he thought I was weird,
You have to love the man's honesty.


Kerrie said...

Sweet congratulations my dear. Way to go

gg said...

that's hilarious!!!! way to go!!

Anonymous said...

Super awesome!

Kim McCaslin Schlieker said...

Your famous!! I'm amazed that a complete stranger actually wrote a critique on your blog!!

Mary said...

You ROCK!!!!
I have been saying all along your blog is awesome, now you have won an award - CONGRATULATIONS !!
I think you should have a celebration of some sort.

Unknown said...

told you you're blogging is awesome(: