Something about that price always held me back.
Well, I did math homework with Jaylee tonight.

I should have bought those, a LONG time ago.
So I had to think quickly.
Seems I have a lot of these around:

Worked like a charm, however, I am aware that the cost of all those corks could have easily purchased some of the aforementioned manipulatives.
Insert a tiny bit of mommy guilt here, not too much though, because the homework was driving me to drink. I am assuming my mother did not have the pleasure of wine on hand when I was growing up, because I never memorized ANY math tables. It's okay mom I forgive you.
What it looks like when I'm in charge of the corks:

What it looks like when Miss J is in charge of the corks:

To any of you who may homeschool I salute you.
I would be drunk all day.
We are starting early with this one:

Looks like I have more manipulatives to produce.
Sweetie, the corks work just fine...I am sure she is not the only child in France who does her math homework with wine corks ;-)
My kids always said that homeschooling would really suck...and then they would look at me and apologize but I had to would have really sucked.
Love you,
All she needs is some blocks...legos, bien sur you have some of those chez Rice?
Thanks for the link, I had no idea what a manipulative was!! Homework is a daily ass kicking, and we are only trying to do it in english. God bless you!!
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