
February love

I'm late on the February banner.
It was actually part of our Christmas card, but its perfect for St. Valentine as well.
Valentines is a bit different in Paris, but they do celebrate it.
The morning paper was great today, it had a section of 20 minutes d*amour with petite love letters, signed with "Ta petite Femme, Ta princesse, Ta puce, Ton coeur."
However, no Valentine parties at school, which I miss, but the chocolate here makes up for it.
So as I get everything ready for Brandon's arrival, two weeks is too long, I leave you
with my favorite "love" picture.
Like most girls, I have an ongoing list of things I want to do and one of the things was to "kiss under the Eiffel Tower".

Mission accomplished and on film.
Happy Weekend!


Unknown said...

Bon weekend a toi!

I love your Christmas picture! Perfect for Valentines...

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful photo in your banner! I love how your husband has a huge smile, like he's saying "look at this beautiful woman and these precious kids I found!"

Kerrie.sra@gmail.com said...

Enjoy your family and husband. Two weeks is to long. Happy Valentines Rices.
Love The Smiths

Kim McCaslin Schlieker said...

great picture, looks like an advertisement for love in Paris!!