So, here at RueRice, December is going to be the month of "I Believe".
Here's how it works.
At the end of every entry, regardless if I have ranted or not, I will end with I Believe in...
Now, as you well know one day I might believe in butter, just because I can. Or, it could be something like, I Believe in afternoon walks, wine, friends, etc. You see where I'm going, really it is whatever I feel like and the same goes for you. Feel free to leave what you Believe...
I Believe in the day to day and the in between.
I believe that at the end of the day there is nothing better than the smell of your children hair. Even if they are 16 and 12 and you are not sure if they actually did wash it like they said they did.
I believe good friends are hard to come by. Hang on to the good ones!
Love ya!
I believe in turkey with the skin on!
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