I met this day at 6:55am with Jaylee in my face.
"I thought you said Memaw would be here when I woke up!"
What? What time is it? This is why you never tell a 4 year old what is actually happening in their life.
9:15am Memaw rings the bell.
Peace has arrived. The tightness in my chest is gone. There is something that is so relaxing about having your mother here when you are going down a slippery slope...my anxiety is subsiding.

Like any good Memaw she brings goodies!!! These were some happy kids. Mom's don't buy character shoes. Memaw's do. Hello Kitty shoes.

Pink cowgirl boots. What more could a girl want. They even light up when when she walks. Again, Memaws buy boots that have flair from Sheplers. Mom's buy practical cheap boots. She also bought Aidan Cars rain boots, Thomas the Train engine and all sorts of goods. These children are some happy little creatures.

Complete with chocolate cake to top off the Memaw high. Happy Birthday Mom! She arrived in Paris on her 23rd birthday...can you believe that? Just kidding, we love her so much we got her cake dusted in gold. Don't you get a gold for 50th? Somethings not adding up here. That's okay, don't tell her, she looks pretty happy about it.

Lastly, you all should go back to the "What animal would you be" post and read the comment section. You people are funny! You all get a prize for being so funny.
Wow - Peggy your blog is amazing I'm kind of an outsider looking in but it's out there for the world to enjoy.
I thought Memaw was a word Collin made up to call Mary and then all other babies born after him use that word for their Grandmother but I guess the word really means LOVE...
Theresa in Las Vegas
Have fun Memaw!
Memaw, those pink boots bring a whole new meaning to the word cute. Jaylee will rock Paris! Happy Birthday; it looks like a special one. Love to you all.
Well I will say there wasn't one smile in any of those pictures...LOL! Have Fun! Look forward to your next entry....
Jackie (Memaw's Friend)
Me-Ma looks so happy! Hope the flight was good and no jet lag. What a way to celebrate her b-day. I could come celebrate mine (ours) that way too! Have a great time and make sure she gets her Thursday cocktail. Pity they don't have video poker in Paris. But she does have a travel size one. Have Fun!!!!
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