I myself was a Cabbage Patch Kids kind of girl, and tonight I found out some history on CPK (the new hip name).
Tonight at Meet the Teacher, I learned a few things. I'm sure I didn't get half of what I was supposed to, seeing as the meeting was in French, but I did learn alot about cabbage. It is not only eaten here, but it is also a term of endearment. Chou is cabbage, petit chou is a cute little baby. Which brings me to the dolls.
In the states, the stork brings the baby...if only.
In France, the baby is grown in a cabbage patch.
There you have it, you have learned something new today.
Life with Jaylee:
On the way home from school with Brandon Jaylee says,
"When you're eight years old, are you old enough to go by yourself?"
Slow down little lady!!!
Today, on our walk, she informed me that one of her classmates had some bunnies that died of a heart attack because a dog scared them. She went on to explain that his mother was "tired with those bunnies, and they couldn't have anymore". Jaylee's answer to him.
"Just wait till you're old enough and get your own".
I confirmed the cabbage patch thing with French's parents, and sure enough, you are right! I told them about the stork from America, that drops off bundles of pooping kiddos, and they had noooooo idea what I was talking about. Yeah, one of those moments where I realized my French was still crap.
Lots Of Love,
Jaylee's Cabbage Patch Kid looks like a baby giant! You should paint the staircase beanstalk-green and let him climb up and down going "ho, ho, ho"
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