
December and all her glory

I will get back on track I promise.
Our fourth quarter is BUSY. Every week and weekend brought school shows, ballet shows, birthday parties (ours and others to attend), Christmas and oh yes, add a newborn to that mix who needs to feed every two hours, I am thankful for January. I am ready to enjoy my little man. I did manage to send out Christmas cards. LATE. Let me explain.
First year ever to take photos so early.
I was going to be prepared this year.
Go to specialty paper store to buy paper. Because Super Target would be to easy in this country.
Buy the ridiculously priced cards as well as bribery gifts for the kids to stay calm in the store.
Take the card to the printer.
Printer breaks.
They have to call Xerox.
Xerox is in no hurry.
Christmas Eve get a call that they are ready.
What's the point? But, I'm this far in.
They did give us extra prints, new cards because the printer ate the other ones and were extremely nice about the whole ordeal.
Hit the post office.
Guy completely annoyed with the amount of stamps I am requesting. Sends me to the machine, with my newborn strapped to my chest.
I can't wait until that machine takes his job.
Not nice, but true.
The cost of sending out the very late Christmas card/we've moved/baby annoucement.
It hurt.
And who knows if they will really get to you because this IS Paris after all.
There is a back side as well, but since it has our address, I'll skip that;-)
For now, here is December in all her glory in pictures. More explanation to come later, but for now just know that no ideas are my own and I owe all creativity to Pinterest and other blogs. Plus keep in mind, most birthday food was prepared while holding a newborn to my breast. I am the queen of one handed sleepy projects! Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket I love that my mother is here. I love that Brandon's grandfather is here. Christmas in Paris proved wonderful. I did not have high hopes, but she proved me wrong. We are thankful and ready for 2012. Cheers!

1 comment:

Carol Wexell Wayne said...

I have missed you! Thanks for the catch up.....you are amazing!

Love love love