

It's funny how we make friends sometimes.
This blog was initially started to keep in touch with family and friends I was leaving back home and to keep a record of this time abroad in our life. Then somehow, from time to time, it turned into my space for public therapy.
It also turned into my little space to rant about the French, which I never intended, because I moved here thinking they were the coolest people on earth.
Silly me.
I would now classify Paris as a love/hate relationship.
Anyway, the blog surprised me.
People who I thought would comment all the time, never do and people I never imagined would comment have become some of my dearest friends.
I too comment on different blogs of women I have never met across the world and oddly enough it feels perfectly normal to me. Sometimes in conversation I call them friends, but have never actually met them.
And sometimes the stars and planets align just right, they travel to Paris and I get the pleasure of meeting them in person!
I love Brandon's simple statement on this:
"It's funny how we make friends these days".
True, but I love it!
I had the pleasure of having a cup of coffee with Angela, from The Painted House a few weeks back.
We met at Cafe Coutume, I had to have a coffee with a heart on top.
The coffee did not disappoint and neither did she.
She was just as chic and down to earth as she is on her blog. I love her sense of style. I have dreams of renting her summer place with all my siblings and their families. I also have dreams of her opening her own design company and coming to work her magic on our house one day. A girl can dream!
It is times like these, when I'm walking down the street after meeting amazing people that I would have never met, that I'm so thankful for this blog.
So, if I haven't mentioned it before, thank you for your comments, thank you for your emails and thank you for your friendship!


Jon Van said...


Mary said...

Your blog has helped make your absence just a little easier.
Enjoy your new friends!!

Isabelle said...

I love you Peggy ! Paris sans toi ne serait pas Paris pour moi !


patty said...

I love you too Peggy...and your blog! :) La vida no es la misma sans toi aussi!

angela | the painted house said...

AWWWW! Thank you for such a sweet post! I loved meeting you...in a cafe in Paris, to boot! It is just the darnedest thing how we meet and connect with people these days. I loved hearing all your stories--and then you've got Texas so I love you even more. :) Our little meet up was definitely one of my highlights of Paris. Thanks for taking a chance and meeting a crazy blogger in Paris!