
Wigging out 2009

There is only one way to celebrate in Vegas!
With Family, and mine, well, we are not a shy bunch.<span class=Photobucket">
Yes, that's our children going up the service elevator with the alcohol.
I'm certain that is a against law in some state, just not in Vegas.
Now is a good time to mention that I almost went to jail in Spokane.
Seems I forgot the small fact that the USA does not take kindly to small children being left alone in running cars.
Gomer Pyle or rather the TSA officer at the airport asked me if I wanted to go to jail.
Sorry TSA, but I'm certain you have bigger fish to fry than me.
Oh, that's right, no you don't, they have already boarded the planes.
Gomer gave me one more tongue lashing and then left me to my own children.
I think he smelled a donut or something.
Back on track.
See, no harm done, she arrived just fine and stayed up past ONE in the morning.
<span class=Photobucket">I'm going for the gold in parenting while in the USA.<span class=Photobucket">
Meet the hostess, Peg Bundy and her husband Joe Dirt.
They invited Bob Marley<span class=Photobucket">
Cute cousins from Texas!<span class=Photobucket">
We threw in one smoking Granny too!
<span class=Photobucket">
We even had the ice skating duo of Tia (smoking granny's sister) and JR (best family friend).<span class=Photobucket">
Joe Dirt, making the rounds.<span class=Photobucket">
Peg, Peg (otherwise known as sister Patty) and Confucius.<span class=Photobucket">
Sister love.<span class=Photobucket">
Peg Bundy, performs Aretha Franklin on the tongs.<span class=Photobucket">
The Come Back Kid, my sister Leigh Ann, taking down cousin Chris with her new found GUNS.<span class=Photobucket">
My prediction for 2010, she will continue to shine! Welcome back, you are better than ever.
I think Confucius liked me or something!
<span class=Photobucket">
What's a New Year and Birthday without Retro cupcakes?<span class=Photobucket"><span class=Photobucket">
Body slides across the floor would soon follow. It was a special treat, he only does the body slide every 10 years.
Did I mention cupcakes?<span class=Photobucket">
Hope your New Year's was as Wiggy Fun as ours.
Here's to a great 2010.
Cheers.<span class=Photobucket">
Confucius says 2010 will be good!
I believe him.


Kerrie.sra@gmail.com said...

Looks like you all had a lot of fun, I just hope that that is not the new hair do you were telling us about! But I have to say brows are looking good, mine are still bushy. Jealous! Love to all, miss you.

Sister Patty said...

haha, you don't like? It was very fun and I promise photos of the new me to follow soon! (answered from my sister's account)

Unknown said...

That looks like a FUN party....Happy New Year to you all!

Love ya,


Kim McCaslin Schlieker said...

Happy New Year!!! What a fun party!!

Tricia York said...

Glad to see yall rang in the New Year in style! Yall are too funny!

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