

Jaylee's birthday is Saturday, but we had her party on Wednesday (school ends at 12:00 on Wednesdays).

Brandon was out of town and I was certain I could do it all by myself.

Public apology time to Brandon:

I bite off more than I can chew often and he always comes in and saves the day at the last minute. He was in Saudi Arabia which made it impossible to come and save me. Cakes, kids, presents and public transportation don't go well together. To this mixture please add in a sick Aidan. I called in backup. Edith the babysitter came in and preformed Brandon's duties (with an added bonus of laundry and cleaning), between her and taxi drivers, I am most certain I paid for a pretty great Christmas in a small third world country somewhere. Let it be known that on Wednesday the 9th of December I missed my husband!!!!

Now, back on course:

There was lots of fun, a bit of drama (little girls and this subject go hand and hand), messy paint, loud noise makers, a pinata and of course the Rainbow Cake. This year I used Martha Stewart's Seven Minute Frosting (from the cookbook, not the website, the website is NOT correct) and it was GREAT! But wait, if you are reading this from the United States you have something called canned frosting. Lucky you.

I did use Betty Crocker, but even that made me nervous. Why? Well, let me just put it to you this way. We brought one of Jaylee's friends home with us before the party and he saw my bed and said:

"Oh!!! You have a tall bed just like the one at my castle."



Mary said...

Your party looked amazing and fun, thank you for sharing.
Have a great day Saturday celebrating with your Mom,Dad & brother.
See ya soon, love ya to the moon and back.

Bre y Nev said...

Una fiesta no es una fiesta sin Piñata!!! I've never seen a rainbow cake before- that one looks great and tasty- Jaylee has a wonderful mom! Feliz Cumpleaños!

Peggy Rice said...

Brenna, you come for a visit to Paris and we will get you and Nevada a pinata as well!

Peggy Rice said...

She loves you too Mema!

The York Family said...

I hope Jaylee had a wonderful birthday! I'm gonna have to suck it up and make that rainbow cake for my boys. It turned out great and I know that they would LOVE it!