
Do we really need to see Patty Hescock?

There are few things that rattle Brandon Rice. We found another today. The roads of Switzerland got him too. Lets start by saying that we were admiring the mountains from the nice motorway...unknowing that we would soon be going over them. Once we got to the base of them Brandon took a few deep breaths in and journeyed on. As I nervously talk about the flimsy foot high post teetering off the cliff...as a barrier...why even bother? Who tends to these grape vines? Who and how do you build a house on the edge of a mountain? Who picks the grapes? We know the answer in Texas, but in Switzerland? Come on. From the drivers seat, "Peg not now." Okay. If any of you know me well, you know what happened next. Nervous laughter. If we were lucky that road was 10 -12 feet wide. Sudden death on the right or 6 months in the hospital on the left. Take the zanex. I do. He does not and his neck is shades of red. Now he is feeling the sweaty palm syndrome. I have never seen Brandon hold a steering wheel so tight. Tough when they are wet. We stop half way through just so I can get a picture...just in case. In the slide show you will see a picture of a bar at the top, which one would need if you didn't have the car filled with your family. As we are descending down the road I make a commit as to what my dad would have done in the situation...go as fast as possible and giggle. Mom going crazy in the seat next to him and then dozing off for sanity.
Well, as you can tell we made it down in one piece and our only thoughts are..."is there another way home?" We really don't care how far out of the way it is.
I will say this, we were smart enough to get Jaylee some carsickness medicine. At the end of the road she says, "daddy you made my head dizzy." From the drivers seat, "Jaylee daddy needs you to be quiet." I'm not sure how or why he got so lucky, but she was.
Bonne Nuit


LeighAnn said...
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LeighAnn said...

So did you get to see Patty?
Love Ya, LeighAnn

Kerrie said...

Bud was drinkin after that drive for sure. I hope you had your wine too. I love this site Peggy

Unknown said...

You are amazing pegg! Sounds like you are getting along pretty good. Thanks for taking the time to make this blog.
Love you all!