I share the Paris that drives me nuts and the Paris that I love.
Well Saturday I loved Paris and it's rainy gloom.
There are moments in life where I wonder how did all of this happen to us?
Saturday was one of them.
I got invited to the Afghanistan Embassy for a tea benefiting the woman of Afghanistan.
As I walked up to the gates I just giggled and talked to myself:
An Embassy tea party, this is straight out of the pages of Madeline!
Am I dressed correctly?
I should have gotten a manicure.
Why did I not take a cab in this rainy mess?
Hostess gift, crap. Do you bring a hostess gift to an embassy?
Too late.
I'm LATE, I hate being late! Bus #22 you are not my friend.
A well dressed man met me at the gate and checked my name off the list.
Finally, my name is on the list and NOT Jaylee's, life is funny sometimes.
As I entered a man that so reminded me of the butler from Mr. Deeds
poured me a cup of fabulous tea. I've had chai tea before, but this was much better. Not to mention I love tea out of china cups. It just feels good. Would you go to a tea party with your own portable coffee Thermos? I'm not kidding you, there was a woman there that did it. Why o why would you drink tea from a metal insulated cup when you could drink from china? I will never know. I will tell you this, she was American. Ahh, land of Starbucks and metal insulated cups...

I must confess I am not a history buff, okay, nor am I a current events buff. But the tea was a benefit for the woman of Afghanistan, so there was a brief history of the country given. It has an amazing history and like so many countries, the 70's were a pivotal turning point for them. Since 1973 this country has been in turmoil. I'm not sure about you, but so many times on the news I hear Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and I just tune it out, because I can never keep track of it all. There I said it. However, during this talk and after reading, A Beirut Heart by Cathy Sultan (READ IT!! So good. I read it in two days) I forgave myself for not knowing the details of these countries. I was born in 1974. These wars have been going on since before I was born! Perhaps, it's age, perhaps it's where I am right now, meeting people from all over the world, now I am interested. I actually know and meet people that are affected by these wars and I want to learn more about them. If anyone knows a world timeline book, send it my way. I like visuals if you haven't noticed. There is so much to learn and going to events like these encourages me to learn more.
The years of war have had a crushing effect on the woman of the Afghanistan, so the tea was held to sell handwoven silk scarves made by Afghan widows and orphans and 100% of the proceeds benefited the group called AZANA.

The great part is that you don't have to live in Paris to get your hands on one.
You can display and offer the diligent and beautiful crafts of Afghan women at your community event, at a local fair in your neighborhood or city, or simply among your friends. They will send you the scarves on a commission basis with no strings attached. Also, if you own a small boutique or know someone who does, they are looking for stores to carry the scarves. You can find out all the details and more at
Wonderful Peg. I wonder if I could talk Carol into carrying them. It is a thought. I hear I have to get a BIG tree for Miss Jay. I am on it! Gramps can't wait for you all to come.
I'm telling you they are amazing! I can't wait to see you guys and Jaylee wants a "hunormis" tree:)
I recommend the film "Charlie Wilson's War"...after the Soviets left we had a chance to spend one or two million on schools and economic developement..who knows...it might have helped, maybe not...but look at what we have to do now...it sure seems like a bargain....
You are not forgiven for not knowing what went on before you were born, but you score points for making up for lost time..and you are totally forgiven for making us aware of such beautiful scarves.
Love you,
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